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new year’s greetings and best wishes!
致新年贺忱与最美好的祝福  detail>>
best wishes for a wonderful new year
没有比家更好的地方了 献上最诚挚的祝福 在这佳节里 祝穆年恰愉快  detail>>
with best wishes for a happy new year
佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年  detail>>
christmas greetings and best wishes!
致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福!  detail>>
new year greetings
年年如意  detail>>
sending new year’s greetings
贺新年  detail>>
best wishes
致以最良好的祝愿! 最良好的祝愿  detail>>
with best wishes
谨致良好的祝愿 祝好  detail>>
best wishes for long life
以介眉寿  detail>>
best wishes on this holiday season
恭贺新喜 敬祝圣诞  detail>>
best wishes to you both
祝你们俩无比幸福  detail>>
with our best wishes
致以我们良好的祝愿  detail>>
best wishes to you ,me too
祝福你们,也祝福我自己  detail>>
best wishes, alanced binary tree
平衡二叉树  detail>>
tomorrow best wishes to our children
愿所有的孩子们  detail>>
we pray the best wishes for you
向您,献上我们最真的祝福  detail>>
best of new
音乐会集萃 维也纳典藏版  detail>>
new year
 短语和例子   (I wish you) a happy New Year! 恭贺新禧。 New Year's Day 元旦。 New Year's Eve ...  detail>>